My Ramblings

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Of Blogs and the Future

OK. So, rewind to the year 2003 when a good friend of mine, Luna, encouraged me to create a blog of my own. Fast-forward to one Friday nite when I was sitting with a group of friends and they started talking about blogs. They said that blogging is an expression of freedom and can help de-stress. I figured, what's there to lose? Maybe it is high time for me to jump the bandwagon and get into this blogging thing. Easy? No, not really. You see, I'm a dinosaur when it comes to technology. But as they say, we only stop learning when we're dead and I still am very much alive and kicking at this point. Which brings me to where I am right now, typing and thinking (not necessarily in that order) about my future and blogs. I hope that as I share my adventures and misadventures, my opinions that may or may not be correct, I would indeed feel the freedom of expression and somehow entertain people along the way. After all, the virtual world we live in is almost as alive as we are.